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Table of Contents
Ukusiza Global Trust is a platform to help learners get started in the tech space
- Went Live: Pending…
- Problem statement: While there are several ways to get into tech, very few of them offer a hands-on approach as well as support well after learining is completed.
- Goal: Be a platform for new and aspiring developers to learn and or brush up on their skills to aid them to later find jobs or create them for themseleves.
- User Flows
- Students
- Instructutors
- Facilitating collaborative nature on the platform.
User Flow
Owning to the fact that UGT will cater for different kinds of users, the particular flows have to be decided and clearly defined.
The intended flow for the site for new students has to be simple and to the point. In this way, they can get to lessons as efficiently as possible.
Instructors will need to be able to manage; the lessons they give, the students they have and track the progress of each student.
Lessons Learnt
Creating a platform of this scale is a treasure trove of lessons.
- Implementing a smooth transitiion between account creation and the learning center.git
- Ensuring lines of communication between instructors, students and other students.
While UGT isn’t live yet, it is exciting working collaboratively to get things up and running.