Chaotik Angel

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Chaotik Angel

Table of Contents


Chaotik Angel is the website for Chaotik Angel; a tatoo artist and designer


Site Pages

We had a little back and forth on the pages the site would have. In the end we agreed on two site pages (home, tattoo work). We later on added an appointment page to streamline some processes.

Site Layout

Chaotik Angel did not want anything fancy, just something that looked good and could be linked to.

Appointment Form

The goal of the appointment form was to allow Chaotik’s customer a simple way to reserve a slot for their tattoos.

Challenges & Solutions

Owing to the nature of the site, there weren’t that many challenges with this particular build.


Proposed Solutions

Lessons Learnt


Chaotik Angel has been interesting to work on. It has gotten me out of my head. We are working on a few new features to add; could lead to a complete overhaul of what we have curently.

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