Chaotik Angel
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Table of Contents
Chaotik Angel is the website for Chaotik Angel; a tatoo artist and designer
- Went Live: November 28 2022
- Problem statement: As a tatto artist, it’s a bit difficult to market yourself without doing the daily posting strategy.
- Goal: To showcase the tattoo work Chaotik Angel has done as well as provide a flow for tatto appointments.
- discussing site pages
- deciding on the layout for the tattoo showcase page
- creating the appointment form
Site Pages
We had a little back and forth on the pages the site would have. In the end we agreed on two site pages (home, tattoo work). We later on added an appointment page to streamline some processes.
Site Layout
Chaotik Angel did not want anything fancy, just something that looked good and could be linked to.
Appointment Form
The goal of the appointment form was to allow Chaotik’s customer a simple way to reserve a slot for their tattoos.
Challenges & Solutions
Owing to the nature of the site, there weren’t that many challenges with this particular build.
- Because of the straightforward nature of the site, it was important that the elements that are there work with little to no issue.
Proposed Solutions
- To ensure everything was in order, I asked Chaotik to test the flow of a visitor wanting to book and appointment.
- This also included ensuring that that Chaotik received all the relevant information via the form.
Lessons Learnt
- When working with a lot of images, it is best to optimise them or have them fetched from a CDN
Main Takeaways
Chaotik Angel has been interesting to work on. It has gotten me out of my head. We are working on a few new features to add; could lead to a complete overhaul of what we have curently.